Healthy Habit: Say your Prayers...and Meditate

Thursday, October 8, 2020

I'm kicking off my Healthy Habit posts for October with a topic that makes up a part of my everyday wellness. That is prayer. And since this month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, I thought I'd share a set of verses that are very dear to my heart.   

Five years ago I relied on these words as survival. Yet today, I still find myself calling on these verses in even the better times.  

Yes, prayer is paramount to my faith and spiritual beliefs. But even more, the act of meditation through prayer helps me find peace and promotes positive living.

These 10 verses not only guide my prayer but have taught me the following:

Faith and Fear cannot exist in the same place

I mentioned these prayers as survival. Fall 2015, I found myself through a wave of emotions. After suffering two pregnancy losses and then finding out we were expecting again, anxiety dictated much of my days.  For example, every time I'd arrive to to the physician's office, I stood paralyzed in fear. Fear that silence would be found on the screen. Fear that the tech would again say,  "I'm sorry but it appears the heart has stopped beating." 

To help fight against the fear, I'd pull up my phone with this image and with white knuckles, get lost meditating over these verses until my name was called. 

You know what? I'd find peace. Calm. My stomach would settle, my breathing would normalize.  Through my faith, I found moments of comfort and clarity. 

And it wasn't just coincidence. There are many benefits to prayer and meditation.

Why is it important to pray and/or meditate?

  • Reduces stress A few minutes in prayer can allow you to escape the worries of life and find peace within your daily life
  • Control over thoughts Keeping peace through prayer pushes out negative thoughts and helps prioritize daily hurdles 
  • Improved health  It can calm anxiety, lower blood pressure, give mental clarity. It can also bring a sense of closeness to self and a higher being
  • Personally, it's important for my spiritual wellness. I give thanks and ask for guidance from my creator, the one who is ultimately in control 

I've shared these prayers with friends as they navigated their way through pregnancies. And I thought it was important to share here because you do not necessarily have to be experiencing loss or pregnancy to find joy in these verses.

In fact, 2020 stirred up the importance of these verses.  I think we can all use some faith over fear right now. Do you agree?

So no matter what you walk through may you always remember that faith and fear cannot co-exist. When we choose faith through prayer and meditation, we push fear out and live more positive, peaceful and healthier lives. 



To print out a PDF version of these scriptures or learn more about faith based resources for moms and families, visit Gather&Grow.

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Even Better Tomato Soup

Monday, October 5, 2020

Hi ya! I have to say that I've been craving soup the past couple days. The temperature has been brisk and I love the idea of a hearty soup for lunch or dinner.

One of my favorite soups growing up was tomato soup. Nothing fancy, just the good ol' Campbell's Tomato soup. My mom would make it with 1 can of milk in place of water for extra creaminess. On occasion, she'd toss some cooked elbow macaroni noodles in. Yum! That paired with a grilled cheese was so delicious!

I'm sharing my own makeover for tomato soup today. It's so easy but a great way to get those veggies in and create a bit more nutrition.  Plus, you have the rich taste of tomato soup as a base. So much more appealing than boring vegetable soup from a can. 

This tastes closer to a soup that's been simmering all day but done in 5 minutes. Oh and nothing has to be prepped. Just open and dump, stir and heat. 

All you need:

  • canned soup
  • canned veggies 
  • canned beans 
  • cooked pasta or grain
  • spinach leaves

And you know me. I'm back to talk about frozen spinach. Are you doing this trick yet? Please do. Here is another perfect example where you can reach into the freezer, grab a heaping handful of frozen spinach leaves and crumble it right into the soup. Boom. A serving of super greens without washing, chopping or gnawing on raw leaves. 

A family pleaser with so much nutrition-- veggies, beans, greens. You can add in whatever you like. Including a protein.  

And I love this because one can of soup ($0.99) now feeds a family and for about the same cost of one of the fancier, healthier canned soups.  

I made this soup and turned around and put the remainder of canned veggies and beans right into the crockpot with some chicken and salsa. Love multi-tasking and no wasting. 

Happy Monday, Friends!

Even Better Tomato Soup


1- 10.75 oz Campbell's Tomato Soup
1 cup Great Northern Beans
1 cup canned corn
1 cup canned carrots
1 cup precooked pasta noodles
1-2 cups frozen spinach leaves


1. Prepare soup as directed on can in saucepan.
2. Add in all other canned ingredients and stir, warming over medium heat
3. When soup is warmed, toss in cooked pasta and crumble frozen spinach leaves
4. Allow to simmer for a couple more minutes, stirring.

Sprinkle with pepper per taste, serve and enjoy! 
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Peanut Butter Swirled Pumpkin Brownies

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Happy October! Let's start the month off with... chocolate! These thick, rich brownies are the perfect way to blend the season with your favorite weakness. Swirl in a bit of peanut butter, sprinkle with some salty goodness and Fall. In. Love. 

You all know I love mixing pumpkin in with cake mix-- one of the best shortcuts I've ever learned. Check out these easy muffins as a reminder.

Pumpkin is such a powerhouse of nutrition and while seasonally accepted, it honestly should be celebrated and enjoyed all throughout the year!  Pumpkin offers so many benefits. It's an immunity booster, supports eye/bone health, aids digestion and promotes skin health.  And the great thing about it is that the flavor blends into chocolate seamlessly. 

So, for all of you out there thinking pumpkin is a bit...basic, here's the good news--you don't even have to taste it! 

I will say as easy as mixing pumpkin and chocolate are, I actually wanted to taste the pumpkin. Tis the season right?! So in went the pumpkin spice and vanilla extract. And while dreaming of a hint of savory with sea salt or peanut butter, the answer came quick,"Why not both?" (Thanks, BG!)

I introduce to you the easiest, healthier way to eat pumpkin and brownie-- Peanut Butter Swirled Pumpkin Brownies.


Peanut Butter Swirled Pumpkin Brownies


1 box Chocolate Brownie Mix ( highly recommend Specialty Selected Double Chocolate with chocolate chips from ALDI)
1 cup 100% Pumpkin Puree 
1/4 cup Water
1/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Pumpkin Spice
Additional PB to drizzle (optional)
Flaky Sea Salt ( optional... but not really)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, lightly grease 9-inch square baking dish

2. In a mixing bowl, mix brownie mix, pumpkin puree, and water until well blended. Stir in peanut butter.

3. Add the pumpkin spice, vanilla extract and stir until well combined

4. Pour the batter into prepared dish and shake/spread with spatula to even out. Drizzle extra peanut butter on top and swirl using knife or toothpick, making marble design with brownie batter. 

5. Bake for 35 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt, cut and serve.


  • Store in fridge for 3-4 days

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