About Me

Thank you for being here! I'm a wife, mama to two kiddos, and passionate health professional. I also thrive on finding the quickest ways to simplify everyday life. This is especially true in the kitchen. Follow along as I share healthful recipes and tips for anyone feeling time starved. You may even stumble upon other posts that feature easy ways I promote wellness in the home, with my kiddos and most importantly, within myself. If you like quick and well-balanced, we are going to be great friends!

   The Story

I’ve created this blog to continue my enthusiasm for promoting health and education. I graduated from the University of Kansas with a bachelor’s degree in Health and Sport Science, as well as a bachelor’s in Nursing. I’m a registered nurse turned full time stay at home mama and while I cannot imagine being anywhere but home, this shift work brings on a whole new set of patients patience! With writing as my outlet, I’ve decided to share what brings me joy—creating a well-balanced and delicious life for my family.

My inspiration for healthier recipes began by watching my mom in the kitchen.  Now, one might assume that being the daughter of a home economics teacher, I inherited her amazing culinary skills. Well, not exactly.  My health-conscious brain was too busy swapping out ingredients for ‘lighter’ ones and looking to cut down time in the kitchen.  I quickly formed my kitchen philosophy-- faster, healthier and with as few ingredients (and dishes) as possible.  Today I'm now sending my mom recipes saying, “you have to make this!” And I’m often the go-to girl when my girlfriends need meal inspiration.

Trudging through sleepless newborn life this past year with a perpetual hungry toddler gave new meaning that 5 o'clock witching (err, dinner) hour.  And through this, my definition of “healthy” foods was slightly redefined. Rather than frequent shopping trips for specialty items, I was more reliant on my pantry shelf. Uniquely, I’m now keen on incorporating it all—fresh, frozen, and canned.  Yes, canned!  I will show you how convenience creates healthful eating.  

I truly believe healthy eating (and health and wellness in general) is practical, colorful and comes in all shapes, sizes and packages. Healthy eating is easy and available to all. It’s not about being perfect. It’s simply about creating something better. And those better choices overtime, ultimately promotes optimal health. This is why I'm here writing to you. I believe you already have what it takes. And it's fun! 

So, if I inspire you to prepare a quick well-balanced dish, then my work is done. That, and encouraging you to find brief moments of wellness for yourself, family and your home is my mission with this blog. 

Come to this space hungry and leave with a smile on your face, some new knowledge and inspiration for your well-being. I look forward to growing this community with you.

Please take a moment to click around my site. Don't forget to follow me on social media. I’d love for you to reach out to me at briefandbalanced@gmail.com with any questions. 

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