Well, Hello...

Friday, May 1, 2020

...It feels so good to be here!

Brief and Balanced has been buzzing within me for quite some time. Yet, in typical Brit form, when a daydream hits my head space, I discount it faster than I would like to admit.  But clicking ‘Publish’ today is testimony that I’m changing that about myself... 34 years later.  And as the dust settles from this past year of the new baby and toddler combo, I’m rested (ish) and eager to learn this new world. What can I say? I’m a blogger! 

The road to this blog was paved years ago. While grieving through loss as we started to grow our family, I became more attune to blogs and the online community. Not just of the existence per se, but the power of their existence. The words. The inspiration. The embrace.  Nowhere else could I quickly connect to someone speaking that language and feeling my emotion. The support I found through bloggers with like experiences truly kept me inhaling and exhaling some days. And as time healed, I still found myself following along to see how they organized, styled spaces and what they found motivating. Basically, a form of respect transpired. I cared about what they shared. And this stirred something up within me. 

Now let’s fast forward to just a couple months ago, eh?

I'm in my basement rummaging through a box of childhood mementos my mom graciously purged on me.  I stumbled upon the final project from my 9th grade English class--a homemade book highlighting the year.  By apperance, that baby begged to be thrown away (scrapbooking is not my forte). Yet, I flipped through it. The last three words on the teacher’s evaluation lit a fire within me.  She wrote, “Never stop writing.” Everything clicked in that moment and I knew what I was going to do. 

Deciding to blog was not easy. I had all the nerves and fears of failure or making a complete fool out of myself. And then a pandemic hit.  The coronavirus spread through our lives, completely redefining normal routines. Not only did I stop toiling with this, but I also felt silly pursuing it. Did it make sense to feel excited about a blog during a time when others were experiencing despair?  I wasn’t sure. 

As I type this today, I’m more driven than before. We all need to prioritize health and wellness now more than ever. And even though living may have slowed outside the home, inside we’re all frantically trying to keep up. To be honest, these days have a stark resemblance to my whirlwind a year ago with a newborn. This is exactly why Brief and Balanced exists! I want to help you find simple wellness in the chaos. And if you’re anything like me, these days often revolve around the next meal.  I recently read that good food equals good mood.  Isn’t that the truth?! 

Now that you’re here, I’d love for you to look around. Let’s connect! Drop a comment below and follow me on social media. Check out my previous post--oatmeal peanut butter bars.  And as always, please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.  This is truly a work in progress, and I cannot wait to grow with you. 

Keep it brief, keep it balanced. Keep it well. 

xo, Brit

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