Healthy Habits: Life less toxic

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Hi! So I want to start a new series of posts on here highlighting simple ways I stay well through 'Healthy Habits." I'd thought I'd kickoff with talking about cleaner living/less Toxins. 

I've gotten quite a few questions lately asking about where I'm at in my journey to Toxic free living.  If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me cleaning with vinegar, sharing my favorite cleaning cloth or diffusing essential oils.

But you've also probably seen me bake with boxed muffin mixes and give my kids some prepackaged snacks. Many which may have some artificial junk in them...aka "chemicals."

Well, that's what I call balance. And that's exactly where I'm at on this journey. And truthfully, I may always be right here. But I'll explain why I'm trying to live less toxic and how I started.

Why less Toxins and chemicals

Well that's easy.  I want to eliminate harmful toxins and chemicals that can impact our bodies and environment. Did you know chemicals can mess with hormones and affect how our bodies AND minds work? Not to mention constant exposure can lead to illness, cancer, etc. 

The longer version of the story is I became aware of terrible chemicals and toxins during my infertility journey. But then really started contemplating it more once my son was about 18 months.  He had chronic congestion and runny nose and after much discussion to rule our allergies, etc. I started doing my own research and stumbled upon so much information talking about household products and chemicals. 

I was shocked learning about the products I thought were doing good (candles!) were actually introducing harmful toxins into our environment!

But there was something about the birth of my daughter that made me go into action.  Perhaps it was because she was soon into licking floors. Or perhaps it was because breastfeeding was still just as hard as it was with my son and I wanted to ensure I gave her the very best nutrition when weaning. 

I'll also say that when it came to household chores, I needed to be able to do these around my kids (gone were the days of free time!) But I couldn't be spraying Lysol and Windex with them underfoot.  So it began. Mission: reduce toxins for an easier, healthier lifestyle.  

How to reduce Toxins at home

This is different for everybody. It truly depends on your priorities or goals.  But if you're interested the best advice I have is to just START.  

And notice that I use the word "reduce." Honestly, this is much more realistic for my family and I at this time than eliminating.  

For me, I look at items that I use often. For example, I always lit a candle in the morning and I am always cleaning the floors.  Interestingly, those frequent use items also impact all of us in the house. So that was my overall goal-- healthier living for my whole family. And yes, I'm even thinking about the dog. 

Now items like shampoo and conditioner?  Haven't switched to a natural product.  But this is something I use sparingly.  Gross or not, I only wash my hair 1-2 times per week. So to me, that was not a priority at this time. At least not compared to the multiple candles which I lit (and was inhaling!) everyday. But you can use shampoo as an example of an item in your own life. Even if you didn't want to switch to a cleaner brand, could you use less of it? Or less often?  Again, this goes back to  "reducing" versus eliminating. 

Whole foods

As far as natural ingredients in foods, I think that's so important. But I am perfectly fine eating boxed cake mix in moderation. I truly believe convenience can be healthy. It's all about how often and how you eat them. And treats are called treats for a reason in my book. And you know me, I'll try to find a healthier, faster way to serve it.  

I will say I have done simple "cleaner" swaps with foods such as milk, ketchup, yogurts, etc.  These again are frequent use items and realistic for our family at this time. Being aware and working to reduce sugar, make better choices has always been my biggest priority. 

Above all, I have a passion for shortcuts, fewer ingredients and serving things my family enjoys ensuring all foods fit (and I like to blog about it too ha!) So if it has a few artificial chemicals or a little bit more sugar, so be it.  

Find a Balance

Like working out, a healthy plate and our mental well-being, it doesn't have to be an all or nothing approach. Every little step impacts the bigger picture.  Pick and choose where you feel your best. 

One last thing-- while on this journey, I'm actually finding things (ie. cleaning cloths) that are not only healthier options but easier ones too! So that's been an exciting outcome. For anyone who likes to keep it brief AND balancedI can't wait to share more!

Did you like this Healthy Habit post? I have a lot I want to write about whether it be the fast, fun way I clean my bathroom or my favorite morning routine.   Does this interest you?  I'd love to know your thoughts. And what is your stance on cleaner living? Is it even something you've thought about?

Talk soon, 



  1. Love the new healthy habits topic on the blog! Will be following for simple ideas to reduce toxins in my home. Thanks for keeping it Brief and Balanced! 😉

  2. I'm so glad you like this series! We got to help each other out, esp when we find simple things that make life easier. Thank you for being here!!
