Birthday party dough

Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy Friday, friends! And happy fourth of July weekend! It's so hard to believe how fast this summer is flying by. July always starts off as a full-on celebration between my son's birthday and America's birthday.   It's turned out to be a busy but very fun week!

I whipped up funfetti cupcakes (following my vanilla cupcake minis cake recipe)  for my son's birthday dinner and topped with rainbow chip frosting. What is it about those sprinkles? I swear it's like opening a can of instant happiness. And while I fought the urge to eat the leftover frosting by the spoonful, I did not want to toss it away. I came across a fun idea instead. And I have to share!

We made Play-dough!  Or as my son calls it, Birthday Party Dough!

This is such a fun way to use canned frosting. Sure, that stuff is convenient to have on hand, but I rather have my kids play with it than eat it, if I'm being honest. And if they do give this dough a taste test, it's just sugar.  I'll trade the sweet for toxic any way I can. Specifically with my one year old around!  I love making homemade slime with my kiddos; however, I will now make this taste-safe option my go-to.  And goodness, this smells heavenly!

You can mix up by hand or with an electric mixer. Just add the powdered sugar to the frosting slowly as you go. I chose to use my hands and have my son get in on the fun. Plus, I was too lazy to use (clean) the mixer. I did start with a fork to combine but as it got thicker, we just squished and rolled it together. 

So, I guess you could say we dough-ve right in...sorry, couldn't resist that ;) 

The amount of powdered sugar may vary, just stop adding at around 3 cups, or when it's not as sticky. I added an additional 1/4 cup and that worked better.

I made another batch for my son's girlfriends (yes, he has two) and found that if I added a drizzle of oil as well to the dough ball, it did not stick at all! So play around and see what works.  And a little bit of stick isn't a bad thing. Buy yourself some more time by giving your kiddos a tub of water to play with afterwards. 

Again, I did not come up with this idea--it's all over the internet.  But I love it! And all good, easy and happy things deserve a space on this blog.  Especially when it keeps the children busy. I did tweak it just the slightest bit (I'm all about avocado oil these days!) when things got a bit sticky.

Give it a try and let me know what flavors you make. Let's get this party started!

Birthday Party Dough


1 cup rainbow chip frosting (or any flavor)
3 cups + 1/4 cup powdered sugar
Avocado oil (or preferred oil), optional


1. Add frosting and powdered sugar to bowl and mix. Once ball is formed, drizzle a small amount of oil and knead well. 

  • Store in airtight container/baggie for several days 
  • Allow to reach room temperature for easier play, knead 
  • Add additional oil if starts to harden
  • Throw away with any sign of yuck (it will spoil eventually!)

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